Monday, January 26, 2009

if theres no one beside you when your soul embarks, then i'll follow you into the dark.

It is currently 5:28 am on Monday morning, new semester
I have been awake since 3:30 worrying and fretting over stupid shit

none of that.
I have my kitty beside me, and a hot guy awaiting me this weekend (sort of haha) no one is allowed to get in way. im taking things one step at a time. my new years resolution was learning to do do things GRADUALLY. and that i shall.

if theres no one beside you when your soul embarks, then i'll follow you into the dark.


  1. Yeh, its always the stupid shit that keeps you awake isn't it!I've found the best way to deal with 'stupid shit' is to take a deep breath, count to ten and then go for it head on. More often than not it all works out, but either way at least you then know what you're dealing with. Bob.

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  3. ugh omg i know.
    its like once you wake up BAM! good luck getting back to sleep, you have a shitload to think about.
    I promise, I'm going to take this advice to heart and put it to work as soon as possible.
